Maintain Weight

Maintain weight but increase tone/tighten up   Multivitamin: To promote optimal health and plug any gaps in your diet.   HMB: A great way to add leucine and boost muscle-building pathways without adding extra calories.   Whey: Protein is important if you would like to increase your lean mass. Right after your workout with some…

Lose Weight

Multi-Vitamins can help to bolster gaps in your diet. When you are in a calorie deficit, there is less chance that you will reach all of the minerals and trace elements that the body might need to be in optimal health. Supplements shouldn’t replace food, but they are a great way of supplementing your best…

Fish Oil

Fish oil supplements are a great anti-inflammatory and are helpful to speed up your exercise recovery. They contain the Essential Fatty Acids: EPA and DHA (two kinds of Omega 3 fatty acids), which help our bodies with pain and swelling. They are also important for a healthy heart; healthy joints and can help you get…


One of the top supplements to consider for optimal health is a good quality multivitamin tablet. Whilst you can obtain vitamins and minerals from a healthy diet, a multivitamin can help plug the gaps. For example, the soil in this part of the world can be deficient in selenium. In order to not suffer the…


A brand new innovation in protein powder: Promasil!   When you want to build great muscle, you will know that quality protein is essential. But did you also know that a variety of protein sources is important? The reason is that each different source contains a different abundance of amino acids, which is the kind…