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Rule 1 - Source7 Protein

Dr Francesca Alves, PhD

Most active gym-goers understand the general principles of consuming a high protein diet – especially after exercise to stimulate protein synthesis to help with muscle recovery and hypertrophy (growth). Protein synthesis is the biological process by which cells build new proteins or repair damaged ones (for more detail[1]). Both exercise and protein consumption stimulate protein synthesis and when combined create a protein synthesis synergy [2]. Timing of protein consumption around exercise is a very controversial topic – when is the best time to drink your protein shake? Before exercise? A few hours after? IMMEDIATELY after *fills protein shake at the gym water fountain… RULE1 has re-written the protein timing rules with their latest protein Rule 1 Source 7 Protein. As the name suggests, Source 7 combines seven different protein synthesis response profiles of seven different high protein ingredients to maximise the anabolic response.

For decades, the fitness industry has been focused on decreasing the absorption time of protein to trigger protein synthesis ASAP. Whey is one of the fastest acting proteins and has largely dominated the protein supplement industry. The industry has even worked to decrease absorption time by ‘hydrolysing’ the whey which breaks down the long protein chains into smaller peptides and amino acids (partially pre-digested), making it easier and quicker to absorb [3]. In fact, hydrolysed whey can induce a maximum protein synthesis response ~ 1 hour after consumption which is excellent for a rapid induction of protein synthesis post exercise [4]. However, after a rapid peak at 1 hour the protein synthesis returns to baseline. So, consuming a single protein source limits the time your body is in the anabolic window – the time when amino acids are available and activating muscle protein synthesis (see diagram below). This is why you find some body builders religiously eating high protein meals every 2-3 hours *must keep protein synthesis high!

But… there is another way. Scientists have rigorously tested and compared numerous sources of protein. Many studies pitch the protein sources against each other (e.g., “Whey Vs Casein [5]” and “animal protein vs plant based proteins [6]”), often concluding that ‘faster acting’ proteins are superior. But a recent study has corrected the long-held belief that “slow acting proteins” are inferior by demonstrating the capacity to sustain elevated muscle protein synthesis for at least 12 hours following protein consumption provided the absorption rates are SLOW [7]. The authors conclude that “These findings demonstrate that the magnitude and duration of the anabolic response to protein ingestion is not restricted and has previously been underestimated in vivo in humans.”  So, why not combine the rapid induction of protein synthesis with slow burning protein sources to extend the anabolic window? (see diagram below).

Rule 1 Source 7 has stopped underestimating the ability to maximise the anabolic duration… Source7 Protein contains four fast-acting whey proteins, milk isolate, pea protein, and slower-digesting micellar casein. Each scoop is designed to deliver a variety of vital amino acids over a more sustained period - morning, noon, or night. So, turn off your 3 hour eat alarm – or simply stop stressing about the timing of consuming protein to maximise muscle growth and recovery. The long-acting protein synthesis induction is particularly useful for shift workers – and my go-to when I know I am stuck in the laboratory for hours before my next feed!


1. Witard, O.C., L. Bannock, and K.D. Tipton, Making Sense of Muscle Protein Synthesis: A Focus on Muscle Growth During Resistance Training.International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2022. 32(1): p. 49-61.

2. Damas, F., et al., A review of resistance training-induced changes in skeletal muscle protein synthesis and their contribution to hypertrophy. Sports Med, 2015. 45(6): p. 801-7.

3. Moro, T., et al., Whey Protein Hydrolysate Increases Amino Acid Uptake, mTORC1 Signaling, and Protein Synthesis in Skeletal Muscle of Healthy Young Men in a Randomized Crossover Trial. J Nutr, 2019. 149(7): p. 1149-1158.

4. Burd, N.A., et al., Greater stimulation of myofibrillar protein synthesis with ingestion of whey protein isolate v. micellar casein at rest and after resistance exercise in elderly men. Br J Nutr, 2012. 108(6): p. 958-62.

5. Gholizadeh, M., et al., Isolate Whey Protein Promotes Fluid Balance and Endurance Capacity Better Than Isolate Casein and Carbohydrate-Electrolyte Solution in a Warm, Humid Environment. Nutrients, 2023. 15(20).

6. Berrazaga, I., et al., The Role of the Anabolic Properties of Plant- versus Animal-Based Protein Sources in Supporting Muscle Mass Maintenance: A Critical Review. Nutrients, 2019. 11(8).

7. Trommelen, J., et al., The anabolic response to protein ingestion during recovery from exercise has no upper limit in magnitude and duration in vivo in humans. Cell Rep Med, 2023. 4(12): p. 101324.

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